A favorite quote of mine is from Charlotte Bronte, she once said: “I avoid looking forward or
backward and try to keep looking upward.”
I love this quote because an attitude of gratitude has been the secret sauce to making it through
the highs and lows of both life and business. With the overwhelming noise of the news, social
media, and day-to-day demands, I think we can all agree that it’s much easier to fixate on what
isn’t going right than what is. But what good does that do? Even during difficult times there is so
much to be grateful for. I find that when I shift my focus to all my blessings, they expand!
In addition to cultivating gratitude, here are a few other of my favorite ways to continuously
expand my life and business.
- Reinvent.
The only certainty in life is change. When we accept that, we can stop battling it and befriend it.
In business, markets are always evolving. This was one lesson I had to learn the hard way.
When the young Kelly Group was hit with the economic crash of 2008, it drained all profit we
had finally started generating. On top of this, I had to let go of an amazing team because I could
no longer sustain their salaries, despite my best efforts. That’s when I realized relying on one
revenue stream was not in the best interest of my business, my livelihood, or the livelihoods of
my employees.
The Kelly Group’s original business model was strictly devoted to private consulting, which
limited growth and impact. It was time to reinvent! How could I future-proof the business and
reach more people? That’s when I decided to write my first book and create a digital course.
This helped to not only create passive revenue, but also to become more accessible to those
who needed our credit repair help. To stay relevant and stand out in your industry, it’s important
to constantly assess your community and what they want from you. How can you structure your
business model to meet their needs? By keeping service top of mind, you’ll stay ahead of the
curve and secure consumer trust.
Like so, the invitation to reinvent isn’t reserved just for business. As humans, we’re always
presented with the opportunity to grow and change. From fashion and hair styles, to world views
and relationships, our lived experiences shape our perspectives and our standards. This is a
beautiful thing because each lesson (even the tough ones) is designed to deepen our
connection with others as well as ourselves. - Invest.
Spending and investing are two very different concepts. Spending is money gone with little to no
return, whereas investing is a purchase made in pursuit of a significant, long-term result.
Earlier in my entrepreneurial journey, I wanted to take a marketing impact class to learn how to
set up and sell my first digital course. This class was pricey, but I knew I couldn’t afford to not
take it given the economic climate and security I now desired for the company. This wasn’t just
a throw away purchase, it was an investment in the future success of The Kelly Group!
I’m so grateful I took the risk! Between the stellar, value-packed content and my commitment to
the course, the initial investment paid off tenfold and I’m proud to say it’s still going strong today!
Sometimes to get from one level to the next, it takes a high-level investment matched with
radical self-belief. No matter the price tag, it’s crucial to show up for anything you sign up for
with 110% effort. Give it your all, and you’ll receive it all in return!
P.S. If you’re interested in starting your own digital course, here’s my affiliate link that can help
you get started! - Start.
What can you do today, right now, to move the needle forward on your personal and
professional goals?
Back in 2010, I was completely immersed in rebuilding my business…which was fortunately
growing again due to a quick pivot! At the same time, my daughter was at the age where she
was being invited out a lot with her friends. So I started to reevaluate my own circle and social
life. Instead of being intimidated by dining solo, I took the opportunity to meet new people and
indulge in new experiences. One night at my favorite restaurant, a man next to me struck up a
conversation. I told him how I was in the credit industry and the big plans I had for the company.
He asked for my business card, which wasn’t atypical for people to do. To my surprise though, a
few days later, I didn’t receive a prospective client call but rather a bouquet of flowers! That man
eventually became my husband and together we’ve created the most magical family.
I realized that even when you aren’t looking, life is still happening. So take chances and get
outside your comfort zone! In my experience, the only failure is to not do something because
you cannot fail at trying. Don’t waste any more time doubting yourself, procrastinating, or waiting
for everything to be “perfect.” The perfect time is now, in the present moment. That’s why they
call it the present…because it’s a gift. Use it wisely!