Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
As a born Leo, I love a good challenge! And believe me, building a business never lacks in this department. Every day feels like a crash course in personal development. You’re constantly up against unforeseen circumstances like fluctuating economic climates, global events, and team dynamics so it’s imperative to bet on yourself and make your dreams happen, even amidst adversity.
Trying new things, making mistakes, and finding creative solutions is the heartbeat behind entrepreneurship. Despite the unpredictability, there’s also the beauty of financial and time freedom on the other side. When you put in the work and stay committed to your vision, you’ll find it!
Here are a few tips to help you build a business (and life) you love:
1. Don’t be afraid to say no
When first starting a business, it’s easy to say yes to everything for fear of missing out on the “next big break.” And for some time, this can actually be advantageous. However, excessively saying yes (especially from a place of scarcity) isn’t a wise game plan for long term sustainability. As your business grows, accepting every single opportunity that comes your way will only cap your potential. Eventually, you’ll find yourself overworked and overstretched, making it difficult to give full attention to the areas of your business that need it most.
To avoid burnout or overextending yourself, it’s vital to get clear on what your business goals are per quarter. If an opportunity comes in that doesn’t align with these goals, be confident and unapologetic about saying no. Remember, saying no to one thing means saying yes to another! It’s all about investing your attention, time, and energy intentionally.
2. Take time off
There are many seasons to entrepreneurship – there are some seasons that are about the grind and then there are some seasons that are about enjoying the fruits of your labor. Learning to equally embrace each is key.
When designing your business model, account for time off. This isn’t only healthy, it’s necessary. Because when you’re running on fumes, nothing will grow. So how can you establish systems that don’t require you to be directly in your business all the time? Do you need to hire out, create passive revenue streams, or launch an online course? Maybe it’s a yes to all three (I know it was for me).
When you successfully structure your systems, you can take your foot off the gas without guilt. And by freeing yourself up in this way, you’ll expand your creativity and accelerate your business far more than you could trying to push a boulder up a hill (and hey, you may even find that time away generates more revenue…now doesn’t that sound amazing?!).
3. Be a part of something bigger than yourself
When you commit to being a student of life, you will naturally position yourself for incredible opportunities. One of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur is staying curious. I enjoy learning from those who are further along than me and mentoring those who are just starting out. Connection to a like-minded community is a powerful resource! With the unique set of circumstances entrepreneurs encounter daily, having people in your corner who get it and can support you is essential. So be sure to stitch a strong network into the fabrics of your business, you won’t regret it!
Looking for more tips on how to build the business of your dreams? Check out my latest book Making it Happen. Inside you’ll find a collection of personal stories, lessons, and strategies I’ve learned along the way. My hope is that these pages will provide the inspiration and insights to guide your entrepreneurial endeavor!